
Absio Swift SDK

Absio Swift SDK is a part of Absio’s developer toolset which developers can use to build PKI-based authentication and data-level encryption directly into software applications and services, without having to manage keys and certificates, add hardware, or rely on a third-party service.


General technology overview and toolset can be found here


  • iOS 12.0 and higher
  • macOs 10.14 and higher
  • Xcode 12.5 and higher
  • Swift 5 and higher


Currently we are supporting CocoaPods. If you are new to using pods please visit getting started page.

To get our pod instantly please use line below

pod 'AbsioSDK', '~> 1.1.0'


We are distributing fat libraries to support both simulator and different architectures. If you will have issues with validation/submitting your application to App Store. Please insert content of cut-architectures.sh into ‘Build Phases’ of your application with ‘New Run Script Phase’. This will strip unused architectures for simulators and validation should went smooth.

Getting started

Please see the detailed instructions in our quick start guide


Latest documentation can be found at our docs page

The API reference is located at our Github page.


Please visit our license page at absio.com

Getting Help

  • Please contact us at support@absio.com if you experience issues, want to submit feedback, or have general questions about the technology

  • Have a bug to report? Open an issue. If possible, include the version of Absio SDK, a full log, and description on how to reproduce.