
The following classes are available globally.

  • Describes a User’s access to a Container. This class is used by the Container create and update methods on Providers.

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    public class AccessLevel : Codable
    extension AccessLevel : Equatable, Hashable
  • Provides base functionality for provider instances.

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    public class BaseProvider : AbsioProvider
  • This is the decrypted version of a SecuredContainer. It has the content, header and metadata. The content and header are not encrypted.

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    public class Container : Codable
    extension Container : Equatable, Hashable
  • Provider that sources all data (containers, public keys, key files, users, etc from a local Obfuscating File System (OFS). This provider serves as a user session with the OFS. Use login to start an authenticated session.

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    public class OfsProvider : BaseProvider
  • Data provider that combines the ServerProvider and the OfsProvider. The ServerProvider is treated and the main source for all data. The OfsProvider is treated as a cache. So, all create and update operations will be performed on the Absio Broker™ application and then cached in the OFS. All delete operations will be done against both the Absio Broker™ application and the OFS. All read operations will attempt to pull from the OFS (cache) and then from the Absio Broker™ application if not found. Use the ForceLoadFromServer property if you want read operations to skip the cache. NOTE: the read will still cache the value in the OFS. It will simply ensure the data is refreshed from the Absio Broker™ application.

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    public class ServerCacheOfsProvider : BaseProvider
  • Provider that sources all data (containers, public keys, key files, users, etc from the Absio Broker This provider serves as a user session with the Absio Broker application. Use logIn to start an authenticated

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    public class ServerProvider : BaseProvider