The following enumerations are available globally.
Enumeration for event actions.
- accessed: Container was accessed by a user.
- added: Container was stored on the Absio Broker™ application.
- deleted: Access to an Container was removed on the Absio Broker™ application.
- updated: Container was updated on the Absio Broker™ application.
public enum ActionType : String, Codable
Enumeration for event type.
- container: Container type events
- keysFile: KeyFile type events
public enum EventType : String, Codable
AbsioError is a top layer class for error handling To take more informaring description please use description property
- signingKeyNotFound: Singing key not found
- sessionAlreadyInUse: Session is closed. Please create new Session
- internalError: Unexpected internal SDK error
- recipientKeyBlobNotFoundForUser: RKB not found
- argumentError: Invalid paramater value
- encryptionError: Encryption error
- serverError: Server error
- codedError: Internal coded error
- notAuthenticatedError: User not authenticated
- activeDerivationKeyNotFoundForUser: Cannot get active Derivation Key for user
- ofsFileCreationException: OFS file creation error
- databaseError: Database Errors
- databaseIncorrectPasswordError: Database Error - Incorrect Password
public enum AbsioError : Error, CustomStringConvertible
extension AbsioError: LocalizedError